Selected Publications by year:
1990 ,
1991 ,
1992 ,
1993 ,
1994 ,
1995 ,
1996 ,
1997 ,
1998 ,
1999 ,
2000 ,
2001 ,
2002 ,
2003 ,
2004 ,
2005 ,
2006 ,
2007 ,
2008 ,
2009 ,
2010 ,
2011 ,
2012 ,
2013 ,
2014 ,
2015 ,
2016 ,
2017 ,
2018 ,
2019 ,
2020 ,
2021 ,
2022 ,
2023 ,
Li, Y. and He, X. (2024). Pseudo-Bayesian Approach for Quantile Regression Inference: Adaptation to Sparsity. Statistica Sinica, Vol. 34, 793-815.
Wang, L. and He, X. (2024). Analysis of Global and Local Optima of Regularized Quantile Regression in high dimensions: A Subgradient Approach. Econometric Theory , Vol. 40, 233-277.
Wei, B., Tan, K.M., and He, X. (2024). Estimation of Complier Expected Shortfall Treatment Effects with a Binary Instrumental Variable. Journal of Econometrics , Vol. 238(2), 105572.
Zhang, S., He, X. , Tan, K.M. and Zhou, W. (2024+). High-Dimensional Expected Shortfall Regression. To appear in Journal of the American Statistical Association.
Wang, Y., Panigrahi, S. and He, X. (2024). Asymptotically-exact selective inference for quantile regression.
He, X., Tan, K.M., and Zhou, W. (2023). Robust estimation and inference for expected shortfall regression with many regressors. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B. Vol. 85 (4), 1223-1246.
Sun, Y. and He, X. (2023). From regression rank scores to robust inference for censored quantile regression. Canadian Journal of Statistics , Vol. 51(4), 1126-1149.
Liu, X., Ning, J., He, X., Tilley, B.C., and Li, R. (2023). Semiparametric regression modeling of the global percentile outcome. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Volume 222, 149-159.
Guo, X., Li, R., Zhou, J., and He, X. (2022+). A Robust Quantitative Risk Screening for Subgroup Pursuit in Clinical Trials. To appear in Econometrics and Statistics .
Yuan, C., Guo, Z., He, X., Huang, W. and Guo, J. (2023). Two-way Dynamic Factor Models for High-dimensional Matrix-valued Time Series. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B , Vol. 5(5), 1517-1537.
He, X., Pan, X., Tan, K.M., and Zhou, W.X. (2023). Smoothed Quantile Regression with Large-Scale Inference. Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 232(2), 367-388. Available online
Alsalaheen, B., Li, Y., Almeida, A., Eckner, J., Freeman, J., Popovich, M., Streicher, N., He, X., and Lorincz, M. (2022). Factor Structure for the Sport Concussion Assessment Tool (SCAT5) Symptom Scale in Adolescents after Concussion. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, Vol. 32(4), 400-407. DOI 10.1097/JSM.0000000000000959
Zheng, S., He, X., and Guo, J. (2022). Hypothesis Testing for Block-structured Correlation for High Dimensional Variables. Statistica Sinica, Vol. 32, 1-17.
Sun, Y, He, X. and Hu, J. (2022). An Omnibus Test for Detection of Subgroup Treatment Effects via Data Partitioning. Annals of Applied Statistics , Vol. 16(4), 2266-2278.
He, X., Pan, X., Tan, K.M., and Zhou, W.X. (2022). Scalable estimation and inference for censored quantile regression process. Annals of Statistics , Vo. 50(5), 2899-2924.
He, X. and X. Shao (2022). A Conversation with Stephen Portnoy. Statistical Science, Vol. 37(3), 443-454. DOI: 10.1214/21-STS845
Guo, X. and He, X. (2021). Inference on Selected Subgroups in Clinical Trials. Journal of the American Statistical Association , Vol. 116, no. 535, 1498-1506. DOI: 10.1080/01621459.2020.1740096
Chen, J. Mi, X., Ning, J., He, X., and Hu, J. (2021). A tail-based test to detect differential expression in RNA-sequencing data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, Vol. 30 (1), 261-276.
He, X. and Wang, J. (2021). Comments on "Two Cultures": What have changed over 20 years? Observational Studies , Vol. 7(1), 99-106.
Sun, Y. and He, X. (2021). Model-based Bootstrap for Detection of Regional Quantile Treatment Effects. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, Vol. 33, no. 2, 299-320.
Hu, Y., Wang, J.H., He, X., and Guo, J. (2021). Bayesian joint-quantile regression. Computational Statistics, Vol. 36, 2033-2053.
Yoav Benjamini, Richard D De Veaux, Bradley Efron, Scott Evans, Mark Glickman, Barry I Graubard, Xuming He, Xiao-Li Meng, Nancy M Reid, Stephen M Stigler, Stephen B Vardeman, Christopher K Wikle, Tommy Wright, Linda J Young, Karen Kafadar (2021). ASA President’s task force statement on statistical significance and replicability. Annals of Applied Statistics, Vol. 15(3), 1084-1085. DOI: 10.1214/21-AOAS1501
Wang, J., He, X., and Xu, G. (2020). Debiased inference on treatment effect in a high dimensional model. Journal of the American Statistical Association , Vol. 115, no. 529, 442-454.
Wang, W., He, X., and Zhu, ZY. (2020). Statistical inference for multiple change- point models. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Vol. 47 (4), 1149-1170.
He, X. and Lin, X. (2020). Challenges and Opportunities in Statistics and Data Science: Ten Research Areas. Harvard Data Science Review,
Van Pelt KL, Allred CD, Brodeur R, Cameron KL, Campbell DE, D'Lauro CJ, He X, Houston MN, Johnson BR, Kelly TF, McGinty G, Meehan SK, O'Donnell PG, Peck KY, Svoboda SJ, Pasquina P, McAllister T, McCrea M, Broglio SP (2020). Concussion-Recovery Trajectories Among Tactical Athletes: Results From the CARE Consortium. Journal of athletic training, Vol 55(7): 658-665.
Eckner, J.T., Wang, J., Nelson, L.D., Bancroft, R., Pohorence, M., He, X., Broglio, S.P., Giza, C.C., Guskiewicz, K.M., Kutcher, J.S., McCrea, M. (2020). Effect of routine sport participation on short-term clinical neurological outcomes: A comparison of non-contact, contact, and collision sport athletes. Sports Medidine , Vol. 50, 1027-1038. doi: 10.1007/s40279-019-01200-y
Narisetty, N.N., Shen, J., and He, X. (2019) Skinny Gibbs: A Consistent and Scalable Gibbs Sampler for Model Selection. Journal of the American Statistical Association , Vol. 114, no. 527, 1205-1217.
Yuan, C., Guo, W., He, X., and Guo, J. (2019). A mixture factor model with applications to microarray data. Test , Vol. 28, no. 1, 60-76.
Giessing, A. and He, X. (2019). On the Predictive Risk in Misspecified Quantile Regression. Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 213, no. 1, 235-260.
Van Pelt KL, Cameron KL, Campbell DE, D`Lauro CJ, He X, Houston MN, Jackson JC, Johnson BR, McGinty G, Meehan S, O`Donnell PG, Pasquina P, Peck KY, Svoboda SJ, McAllister T, McCrea M, Broglio SP. (2019). A cohort study to identify and evaluate concussion risk factors across multiple injury settings: findings from the CARE Consortium. Injury Epidemiology , 6(1), 1-11.
Yang, X., Narisetty, N.N., and He, X. (2018) A new approach to censored quantile regression estimation. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Vol, 27, no 2. 417-425.
Zheng, Q., Peng, L., and He, X. (2018). High dimensional censored quantile regression. Annals of Statistics , Volume 46, no. 1, 308-343.
Alsalaheen, B., Stockdale, K., Pechumer, D., Giessing, A., He, X., and Broglio, S.P. (2017). Cumulative Effects of Concussion History on Baseline Computerized Neurocognitive Test Scores. Systematic review and meta-analysis.
Sports Health , Vol. 9, Issue 4, 324-332.
Feng, X. and He, X. (2017). Robust Low-rank Data Matrix Approximations. Science China: Mathematics , Vol. 60, no. 2, 189-200.
Shen, J., Wang, Y., and He, X. (2017). Penalized likelihood for logistic-normal mixture models with unequal variances. Statistica Sinica , Vol. 27, 711-731.
Park, S., He, X., and Zhou, S. (2017). Dantzig-type penalization for multiple quantile regression with high dimensional covariates. Statistica Sinica , Vol. 27, 1619-1638.
Park, S. and He, X. (2017). Hypothesis testing for regional quantiles. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference , Vol. 191, 13-24.
He, X. (2017). A Conversation with Roger Koenker.
International Statistics Review , Vol. 85, no. 1, 46-60.
Yang, Y., Wang, H.X., and He, X. (2016). Posterior inference in Bayesian quantile regression with asymmetric Laplace likelihood (with discussion).
International Statistics Review , Vol. 84, no. 3,327-344. (Rejoinder pp. 367-370)
Zhang, S. and He, X. (2016). Inference based on adaptive grid selection of probability transforms. Statistics , Vol. 50 (3), 667-688.
Ma, S. and He, X. (2016). Inference for Single-index Quantile Regression Models with Profile Optimization. Annals of Statistics , Vol. 44, No. 3, 1234-1268.
Broglio, S., Rettmann, A., Greer, J., Brimacombe, S., Moore, B., Narisetty, N., He, X., and Eckner, J. (2016). Investigating a novel measure of brain networking following sport concussion. International Journal of Sports Medicine , Vol. 37(9), 714-722.
Eckner, J. T., Rettman, A., Narisetty, N.N., Greer, J., Moore, B., Brimacombe, S., He, X., Broglio, S. P. (2016). Stability of an ERP-Based Measure of Brain Network Activation in Athletes: A New Electrophysiological Assessment Tool for Concussion. Brain Injury , Vol. 30(9), 1075-1081.
Lefton-Greif, M.A., Perlman, A.L., He, X., Lederman, H.M., Crawford, T.O. (2016). Assessment of Impaired Coordination between Respiration and Deglutition in Children and Young Adults with Ataxia Telangiectasia. In review at Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology , Vol. 58(10), 1069-1075.
Feng, Y., Chen, Y., and He, X. (2015). Bayesian quantile regression with approximate likelihood. Bernoulli , Vol. 21, no. 2, 832 - 850.
Shen, J., and He, X. (2015). Inference for Subgroup Analysis with a Structured Logistic-Normal Mixture Model. Journal of the American Statistical Association, Volume 110, 303-312.
Yang, Y., and He, X. (2015). Quantile Regression for Spatially Correlated Data: an Empirical Likelihood Approach. Statistica Sinica , vol. 25, no. 509, 261-274.
Narisetty, N.N., and He, X. (2015). Discussion of ``multivariate functional outlier detection''. Statistical Methods & Applications , Vol. 24, 209-215. DOI: 10.1007/s10260-015-0305-z
Zheng, Q., Peng, L., and He, X. (2015). Globally adaptive quantile regression with ultra-high dimensional data. Annals of Statistics , Vol. 43, no. 5, 2225 -- 2258.
Narisetty, N.N., and He, X. (2014). Bayesian Variable Selection with Shrinking and Diffusing Priors. Annals of Statistics , Vol. 42, no. 2, 789-817.
Zheng, S., Jiang, D., Bai, Z.D., and He, X. (2014). Inference on multiple correlation coefficients with moderately high dimensional data. Biometrika , vol. 101, no. 3, 748-754.
Shen, J., and He, X. (2014). Generalized F Test and Generalized Deviance Test in Two-way ANOVA Models for Randomized Trials. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics , Vol. 24, no. 3, 523-534.
Feng, X., and He, X. (2014). Statistical inference based on robust low-rank data matrix approximation. Annals of Statistics , Vol. 42, no. 1, 1-224.
Dalpiaz, D., He, X., and Ma, P. (2013). Bias Correction in RNA-Seq Short-read Counts using Penalized Regression. Statistics in Biosciences , Vol. 5, Issue 1, 88-99. DOI: 10.1007/s12561-012-9057-6
He, X., Wang, L., and Hong, H. G. (2013). Quantile-adaptive Model-free Variable Screening for High-dimensional Heterogeneous Data. Annals of Statistics , Vol. 41, no. 1, 342-369.
Kim, J.Y., and He, X. (2013). Robust EM Clustering via Mixture Model for Multivariate Regression (Invited Paper) Quantitative Bio-Science , Vol. 32(2), 69-80.
Li, B., Liang, F., He, X., and Hu, J. (2012). Reno: Regularized Nonparametric Analysis of Protein Lysate Array Data.
Bioinformatics , Vol. 28, Issue 9, 1223-1229.
Hu, J., and He, X. (2012). Searching for Alternative Splicing with a Joint Model on Probe Measurability and Expression Intensities.
Journal of the American Statistical Association , Vol. 107, no. 499, 935-945.
Yang, Y., and He, X. (2012). Bayesian empirical likelihood for quantile regression. Annals of Statistics , Volume 40, no. 2 , 1102-1131.
Tang, Y., Wang, H., He, X., and Zhu, Z.Y. (2012). An informative subset-based estimator for censored quantile regression.
Test , Vol. 21, no. 4, 635-655.
He, X., Yang, Y., and Zhang, J. (2012). Bivariate downscaling with asynchronous measurements. JABES , Vol. 17, no. 3, 476-489.
Wang, H. X., Li, D., and He, X. (2012). Estimation of High Conditional Quantiles for Heavy-tailed Distributions. Journal of the American Statistical Association , Vol. 107, no. 500, 1453-1464.
Lin, G., He, X., and Portnoy, S.L. (2012). Quantile Regression with Doubly Censored Data.
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis , Vol. 56, Issue 4, 797-812. doi:10.1016/j.csda.2011.03.009
Yang, J.Y. and He, X. (2011). A Multi-step Protein Lysate Array Quantication Method and its Statistical Properties.
Biometrics , Vol. 67(4), 1197-1205. DOI: 10.1111/j.1541-0420.2011.01567.x
Li, C., Wei, Y., Chappell, R. J. and X. He (2011), Bent Line Quantile Regression with application to an allometric study of land mammals' speed and mass.
Biometrics , vol. 67, 242-249.
Wang, X., Guo, J., and He, X. (2011).
Finding the minimal set for collapsible graphical models.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society , Vol. 139, 361-373.
Guo, J., Xu, P.F., and He, X. (2011).
An Improved Iterative Proportional Scaling Procedure for Gaussian Graphical Models. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics , Vol. 20, 417-432.
Liu, R. Y., Tao, J., Shi, N.Z., and He, X. (2011).
Bayesian analysis of the patterns of biological susceptibility via reversible jump MCMC sampling.
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Volume 55, Issue 3, 1498-1508.
Malandraki, G., McCullough, G., He, X., McWeeny, E., and Perlman A. (2011). Teledynamic Evaluation of Oropharyngeal Swallowing.
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research , Vol.54, 1497-1505. doi:10.1044/1092-4388(2011/10-0284)
Feng, X., He, X., and Hu, J. (2011). Wild bootstrap for quantile regression. Biometrika , Vol. 98, no. 4, 995-999. doi: 10.1093/biomet/asr052
He, X., Hsu, Y. H., and Hu, M. (2010).
Detection of Treatment Effects by Covariate-adjusted
Expected Shortfall. Annals of Applied Statistics , Vol. 4, No. 4, 2114-2125.
Broglio, S. P., Schnebel, B., Sosnoff, J.J., Shin, S., Feng, X., He, X., Zimmerman, J. (2010). The biomechanical properties of concussions in high school football. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise , Vol. 42(11), 2064-2071.
Hong, H. G., and He, X. (2010).
Prediction of Functional Status for the Elderly Based on a New Ordinal Regression Model. Journal of the American Statistical Association , Vol. 105, No. 491: 930-941.
He, X. and Zhou, J. (2010).
Discussion of "Envelope models for parsimonious and efficient multivariate linear regression", Statistica Sinica , Vol. 20, No. 3, 971-978.
He, X., Xue, H., and Shi, N.Z. (2010).
Sieve Maximum Likelihood Estimation for
Doubly Semiparametric Zero-Inflated Poisson Models.
Journal of Multivariate Analysis , Volume 101, Issue 9, 2026-2038.
Hu, F., Zhang, L.X., and He, X. (2009).
Efficient Randomized Adaptive Designs. Annals of Statistics ,
Vol. 37, No. 5A, 2543-2560.
Broglio, S. P., Sosnoff, J., Shin, S., He, X., Alcaraz, C., and
Zimmerman, J. (2009).
Helmet impacts during high school football: A biomechanical assessment.
Journal of Athletic Training , Vol. 44(4), 342-349.
Yang, S.K., Long, C., Miller, A., He, X., Yang, Y., Wuebbles, D., and Tiao, G. (2009) The modulation of natural variability on the trend analysis of
the updated cohesive SBUV(2) total ozone. International
Journal of Remote Sensing , Vol. 30, 3975 - 3986.
Hu, J, He, X., Cote, G.J., and Krafe, R. (2009).
Singular Value Decomposition-based Alternative Splicing Detection.
Journal of the American Statistical Association ,
Vol. 104, No. 487: 944-953.
Shi, N.Z., He, X., and Tao, J. (2009).
Understanding Statistics and Statistics Education: A Chinese Perspective.
Journal of Statistics Education ,
Volume 17, Number 3,
Hu, Y., He, X., Tao, J., and Shi, N.Z. (2009).
Modeling and prediction of children's growth data via functional
principal component analysis. Science in China (Ser. A) ,
Vol. 52, No. 6, 1342-1350.
Feng, X., and He, X. (2009).
Inference on low-rank data matrices with applications to microarray data.
Annals of Applied Statistics , Vol. 3, No. 4, 1634-1654.
Hong, F., Fang, F, He, X, Cao, X., Chipperfield, H.,
Xie, D., Wong, W. H., Ng, H. H., and Zhong, S. (2009).
Dissecting early differentially expressed genes in a mixture of
differentiating embryonic stem cells. PLoS Computational Biology , published 18 Dec 2009. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000607
Henson, R., Roussos, L., Douglas, J. and He, X. (2008).
Cognitive diagnostic attribute level discrimination indices.
Applied Psychological Measurement , Vol. 32, No. 4,
Zhou, T. and He, X. (2008).
Three-step Estimation in Linear Mixed Models with Skew-t Distributions.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference ,
Vol. 138 (6), 1542-1555.
Chen, C., He, X., and Wei, Y. (2008).
Lower Rank
Approximation of Matrices Based on Fast and Robust Alternating
Regression. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics , Vol. 17, no. 1, 186-200.
Wang, H.X. and He, X. (2008).
An enhanced quantile approach for assessing differential gene
expressions. Biometrics , Vol. 64(2), 449-457.
Zhou, J. and He, X. (2008). Dimension Reduction Based on Constrained Canonical Correlation and Variable Filtering. Annals of Statistics
, Vol. 36, no. 4, 1649-1668.
Noe, D. and He, X. (2008). Partially Bayesian variable selection in classification trees. Statistics and its Interface , Vol 1, 155-167.
Thorpe MP, Jacobsen EH, Layman DK, He X, Kris-Etherton PM,
Evans EM (2008). A diet high in protein, dairy and calcium attenuates bone loss over twelve months of weight loss and maintenance relative to a conventional high carbohydrate diet in adults. Journal of Nutrition ,
Vol. 138, 1096-1100.
Zhu, Z.Y, Fung, W.K., and He, X. (2008).
On the asymptotics of marginal regression
splines with longitudinal data. Biometrika , Vol. 94, no. 4, 907-917.
Hu, J and He, X. (2007).
Enhanced quantile normalization of microarray data to
reduce loss of information in the gene expression profile.
Biometrics, , Vol. 63, No. 1, 50-59.
View the paper in PDF
Mu, Y. and He, X. (2007).
Power Transformation towards a Linear Regression Quantile.
Journal of the American Statistical Association
, Vol. 102, 269-279.
Wang, H.X. and He, X. (2007).
Differential Expressions in GeneChip Microarray Studies: A Quantile Approach.
Journal of the American Statistical Association
, Vol. 102, 104-112.
Cui, H., He, X. and Liu. L. (2007).
Testing for Additivity with B-Splines.
Science in China Series A: Mathematics , Vol. 50,
No. 6, 841-858.
Kocherginsky, M. and He, X. (2007).
Extensions of the Markov Chain Marginal Bootstrap.
Statistics and Probability Letters , Vol. 77, No. 12,
He, X. and Hu, F. (2007).
Comments on 'Implementation of
Based Inference Procedures with MCMC Samplers' by Tian, Liu and Wei.
Journal of the American Statistical Association
, Vol. 102, no. 479, 889-890.
Hu, J., He, X., Baggerly, K. A.,
Coombes, K.R., Hennessy, B.T.J, and
Mills, G.B. (2007).
Nonparametric Quantification of Protein Lysate
Arrays. Bioinformatics , Vol. 23, No. 15, 1986-1994.
Wei, Y., Pere, A., Koenker, R. and He, X. (2006).
Quantile Regression Methods for Reference Growth Curves.
Statistics in Medicine , Vol. 25, no. 8, 1369-1382.
View or download
the manuscript in PDF
Wei, Y and He, X. (2006).
Conditional Growth Charts (with discussions). Annals of
Statistics , Vol. 34, 2069-2097 and 2126-2131.
Boente, G., He, X. and Zhou, J. (2006).
Robust estimates in generalized partially linear models.
Annals of
Statistics , Vol. 34, 2856-2878.
Lin, N. and He, X. (2006).
Robust and efficient estimation under data grouping.
Biometrika , Vol. 93(1), 99-112.
Zuo, Y. and He, X. (2006).
On the limiting distributions of multivariate depth-based rank sum
statistics and related tests.
Annals of Statistics , Vol. 34,
View the paper in PDF
Lin, G., He, X., Hanlee, J., Shi, L., Davis, R.W., and Zhong, S.
(2006). Reproducibility Probability Score: Incorporating Measurement
Variability across Laboratories for Gene Selection.
Nature Biotechnology , Vol. 24(12), 1476-1477.
Kocherginsky, M., He, X. and Mu, Y. (2005).
Practical Confidence
Intervals for Regression Quantiles.
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics ,
Vol. 14, no. 1, 41-55.
Perlman, A.L., He, X., Barkmeier, J., and Van Leer, E. (2005).
Bolus Location Associated with Videofluoroscopic and Respirodeglutometric
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research , Vol. 48,
no. 1, 21-33.
He, X. (2005) Discussion on "Breakdown and Groups", to appear
in Annals of Statistics , Vol. 33, 998-1000.
Huang, B., Martin, S.J., Bachmann, K.A., He, X., Reese, J.H.,
Wei, Y., Iwuagwu C., Mao, Z., and Xin, H. (2005).
A nationwide survey of
physician office visits found that inappropriate
antibiotic prescriptions
were issued for bacterial respiratory tract
infections in ambulatory
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, Vol. 58, 414-420.
Wang, H.X., He, X., Band, M., Wilson, C. and Liu, L. (2005).
A study of inter-lab and inter-platform agreement of DNA microarray
data. BMC Genomics , Vol. 6, Art. No. 71.
View the
article on-line
He, X., Fung, W.K., and Zhu, Z.Y. (2005).
Robust Estimation in Generalized Partial Linear Models for
Clustered Data. Journal of the American
Statistical Association , Vol. 100, No. 472, 1176-1184.
Cui, H., He, X. and Ng, K.W. (2004).
M-estimation for linear models with spatially-correlated errors.
Statistics and Probability Letters ,
Vol. 66, No. 4, 383-393.
Zuo, Y., Cui, H. and He, X. (2004).
On the Stahel-Donoho Estimator and Depth-weighted Means of Multivariate Data.
Annals of Statistics , Vol. 32, No. 1, 167-188.
Lin, N., Bailey, B., He, X. and Buttlar, W. (2004).
Ajdustments of Measuring Devices with Linear Models.
Technometrics , Vol. 46, No. 2, 127-134.
He, X., Cui, H. and Simpson, D.G. (2004).
Longitudinal Data Analysis Using t-type Regression.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference ,
Vol. 122, 253-269.
He, X. and Portnoy, S. (2004). Comment on "Location-Scale Depth",
Journal of the American Statistical Association , Vol. 99,
No. 468, 973-976.
He, X. and Ng, K.W. (2004).
Percentile charts for correlated measures, in
Encyclopedias of Biopharmaceutical Statistics (Second
Edition, Revised and Expanded) ,
edited by Shein-Chung Chow,
He, X., Ng, K.W. and Shi, J. (2003).
Marginal versus Joint Box-Cox Transformation with Applications to
Percentile Curve Construction for IgG Subclasses and Blood Pressures.
Statistics in Medicine , vol. 22, 397-408.
View or download the manuscript in PDF
Chen, M.H., He, X., Shao, Q.M., and Xu, H. (2003).
A Monte Carlo Gap Test in Computing HPD Regions. In
Development of Modern Statistics
and Related Topics in celebration of Professor
Yiao-Ting Zhang's 70th Birthday, edited by Heping Zhang
and Jian Huang, Series in Biostatistics, Vol. 1, World Scientific,
Zhu, Z.Y., He, X. and Fung, W.K. (2003).
Local influence analysis for penalized Gaussian likelihood
estimators in partially linear models.
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics , Vol. 30,
He, X. (2003).
Robust Tests in Statistics -- a Review of the Past Decade.
For a special issue of Estatistica , Vol. 54,
He, X., Fu, B. and Fung, K.W. (2003).
Median Regression of Longitudinal Data.
Statistics in Medicine , Vol. 22, 3655-3669.
View or download the manuscript in Postscript
Cui, H., He, X. and Ng, K.W. (2003).
Asymptotic distributions of principal components based
on robust dispersions. Biometrika ,
Vol. 90, No. 4, 953-966.
Bai, Z.D. and He, X. (2004).
A Chi-square test for dimensionality with non-Gaussian
Data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis,
Vol. 88, No. 1, 109-117.
He, X. and Zhu, L.X. (2003).
A lack-of-fit test for quantile regression.
Journal of the American Statistical Association
, Vol. 98, 1013-1022.
Huang, B., Bachmann, K., He, X., Chen, R., Mcallister, J.,
and Wang, T. (2002). Inappropriate prescriptions for the aging
population of the United States: an analysis of the National
Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, 1997.
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, Vol. 11, 127-134.
View the Abstract
He, X. and Kim, M. (2002). On Marginal Estimation in a
Semiparametric Model for Longitudinal Data with Time-independent Covariates.
Metrika , vol. 55, 67-74.
He, X. and Hu, F. (2002) Markov Chain Marginal Bootstrap.
Journal of the American Statistical Association ,
vol. 97, no. 459, 783-795.
He, X., Zhu, Z.Y. and Fung, W.K. (2002). Estimation in a Semiparametric
Model for Longitudinal Data with Unspecified Dependence Structure.
Biometrika , vol. 89, No. 3, 579-590.
View the manuscript in PDF format
Fung, W.K., He, X., Liu, L. and Shi, P.D. (2002).
Dimension reduction based on canonical correlation.
Statistica Sinica , vol. 12, no. 4, 1093-1114.
View the manuscript in PDF format
Cui, H., He, X. and Zhu, L. (2002).
On regression estimators with de-noised variables.
Statistica Sinica ,
vol. 12, no. 4, 1191-1206. View or download the
manuscript in PDF
Fung, W.K., Zhu, Z.Y., Wei, B.C. and He, X. (2002).
Influence diagnostics and outlier tests for semiparametric models.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B ,
Vol. 64(3), 565-579.
He, X., Shen, L.X. and Shen, Z.W. (2001).
A data-adaptive knot selection scheme for fitting splines.
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